It was crazy cold in Oakland Saturday night and not much warmer inside of Heco's Palace, but the sheer amount of bodies crammed in there helped raise the ambient temperature a bit. Psychic Reality (aka local songstress Leyna Noel) got things started with some awesome witchy freaked-out electronica, then VNC were a little shoegazey, then Robedoor were all gorgeously doomy and droney, then Foot Village freakin' blew the roof off with their whole drum-and-scream shtick. Just as good (and cathartic) as I remembered them from the Upset the Rhythm showcase at the Lab lo those many moons ago, the last time I'd seen them live. Robin Williams On Fire were supposed to play yet too in what was reportedly their last show ever, but it was late and I had to go home and pass out. I am so not punk rock.