I'd been talking up last night's Club Sandwich show at the Totally Intense Fractal Mind Gaze Hut featuring Grouper for the last month, and it truly was one of those nights when I was glad just to be alive and listening to such amazing music. Date Palms, Dan Friel, and Chen Santa Maria all played fantastic sets first, and even though it was midnight on a school night by the time Liz Harris got set up there was no way I was going anywhere until she was done. Harris is a one-woman maelstrom as Grouper, and she filled the small warehouse space with swirls of feedback from her guitar layered thickly on top of her haunting vocals. It was so beautiful I thought my heart would break. I'll be seeing her again very soon down at the Henry Miller Library when she opens for Animal Collective at the end of May, and I'm already counting the days to that show. In the meantime Dan Friel and Chen Santa Maria will be playing with High Castle and a bunch of other acts at the Oven for more Club Sandwich goodness on Saturday, and I highly recommend you meet me there.